


professional development, self-regulatory ability, reflection, competence, reflective-personal competence.


Goal. The article analyzes modern methodological approaches in the process of professional formation of a future specialist in the current conditions of education in higher education institutions. The most problematic aspects related to the formation of such subjectivity, which is based on the reflection of one’s own self-changing (self-development), are presented. The results. We have offered our vision of some aspects, which are precisely the basis of the goal of this article – a thorough theoretical analysis of current scientific concepts, in which optimal models of professional self-creation of the future specialist are represented. The subject of our research is related to the professional becoming of specialists in the field of medicine, so in the course of our scientific analysis, we decided to pay special attention to issues related to the identification of differences in the field of self-awareness, in particular, the self-regulatory ability of medical students in institutions of higher education. It is with this important personal formation that the intensity and meaningfulness of the subject’s professional development process is connected. Therefore, we would like to note that the formation of professional self-development of the future medical specialist should be aimed at self-knowledge, self-affirmation, and self-improvement in all spheres of life. We emphasize that the process of professional self-development of students in institutions of higher education requires a deeply realized value of its necessity and sustainable internal motivation of future medical workers. Conclusions. A future specialist, and in particular, a medical specialist, must be aware of their responsibility for the competent design of their life, especially, their professional path, and therefore attend of the formation of such subjectivity, which will be based on the reflection of their own self-change. A special role in this process should belong to reflective and personal competence, which we interpret as the ability to solve topically important, personally significant professional tasks aimed at deepening knowledge and an active and creative attitude and transformation of one’s «I», one’s «Self».


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