


violence, physical violence, psychological violence, economic violence, sexual violence.


The article analyzes the psychological factors and types of violence, their impact on relationships in servicemen’s families. The theoretical analysis of sources shows that the most typical delayed responses to stress are irritability, aggressiveness, nervousness, inability to relax, tremors, increased reactivity, anxiety, apathy, depression and pessimism, sleep disturbances, nightmares, memory loss, poor concentration, preoccupation with memories of war, fear, suspicion, destructive personality changes. The results of a survey of intimate partners of military personnel are presented, and the types of violence they encountered and their subjective intensity are identified. The survey results of violence types in the servicemen families and their subjective level are presented. Intimate partners of servicemen were selected as respondents. Based on the results obtained, interviews were conducted with intimate partners who suffered from violence. The main purpose of the interviews  was to determine the probability of an increase in the subjective intensity of violence after the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine. The results. It has been empirically determined that 38.1% of people who have been in a relationship with military personnel have experienced intimate partner violence. It has been established that psychological violence is the most common type of violence (38.1%), and women are more likely to be victims (33.33% of 38.1%). The results of interviews with respondents who have experienced violence showed that 23.8% of people noted an increase in the violence intensity committed against them since the beginning of the full-scale war. Conclusions. It has been established that violence in Ukrainian families is one of the most widespread social problems, as more than a third of respondents have experienced it. Based on the survey and interview data, recommendations for violence prevention were developed. At the same time, the provided recommendations can be used as self-help in situations of committed or possible violence and in cases where the individual does not have the opportunity to seek qualified help.


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