


personality, safety, psychological safety of the individual; educational environment, educational process.


The article analyzes the problem of forming and ensuring the psychological safety of the individual in the educational environment. The purpose of the article is the theoretical analysis and generalization of the concept of psychological safety, as well as the specification of the specifics of the formation of this phenomenon in the educational environment. The article uses theoretical methods, in particular, terminological analysis, generalization and systematization of the results of modern theoretical and empirical studies, with the aim of determining the degree of development of the specified issue and delineating the dominant concepts from the selected issues. The main theories regarding the emergence and formation of psychological safety in the educational space are considered, namely: psychoanalytic theories, humanistic theory of personality, hedonistic approach, theory of individuality and humanistic direction. The obtained results made it possible to state that the psychological safety of an individual is largely determined by the peculiarities of individual perception of the surrounding reality and the intensity of psycho-traumatic factors in it. In addition, it was established that different subjects in the same environment can experience different degrees of security. It has been proven that ensuring a high level of psychological safety of the individual in the educational environment is based on the close relationship of all participants in the educational process, the formation of a comfortable and safe socio-cultural space, the provision of a humanistic approach taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the individual. It is substantiated that employees of the education system at various levels should possess the technologies for solving typical and most common situations to ensure the safety of the educational environment, apply a humanistic approach built on the basis of dialogue, cooperation and refusal to apply psychological pressure. Accordingly, the main goal of modern psychologists is to preserve the physical and mental health of all participants in the educational process. Ensuring this process is implemented through the training of educators to recognize a real threat to security, the formation of skills to avoid or resist it. The psychological aspects of achieving this goal lie within the framework of ensuring the support of the psychological well-being of teachers and students, through their high-quality continuous cooperation.


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