


life fulfillment, self-regulation, self-efficacy, achievement motivation, personality, teacher.


Objective. The article focuses on the empirical study of the life achievement of future teachers, in particular, its regulatory and behavioral aspect. Research methods: theoretical – analysis and synthesis, specification, comparison, systematization, scientific provision generalization; empirical – written survey methods – testing and questionnaires; mathematical statistics – percentage calculation, correlation analysis according to Ch. Pearson. Results. A high level of self-regulation component development was revealed: planning 34.4%, modeling (32.2%), result evaluation and independence   programming (18.9%), modeling (16.7%), planning (14.5%), flexibility (11.1%), result evaluation (8.9%). High (34%) and low (56%) levels of self-efficacy were determined. Variants of revealed motivation were analyzed: achieving success (12%) and avoiding failure (78%). Statistically significant (р=0.01; р=0.05) correlations between psycho diagnostic method variables were established. Conclusions. It was established that more than 50% of the subjects need to develop the components of self-efficacy, in particular, the scenario and attributions that affect the expression of its general level. It was found that in order to successfully achieve the objectives and implement life projects, it is important to be flexible, that is, the plasticity of all regulatory processes which will ensure adequate response and adaptability in a risk situation. It was established that the results and achievements of the interviewees should be estimated respectively that, of course, strengthens the self-esteem of the subjects researched and encourages them to set new objectives and implement new plans. The importance of modeling in the successful performance of activities, and, therefore, in the life of the respondents, which makes it possible to distinguish the quintessence in achieving near and distant goals, is substantiated. Respondents' responsibility for their own life was noted, competent planning of their lives, which contributes to the development of their self-control and self-respect, helps grow personally.


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