



professional self-determination, graduates of rural schools, choice of profession, decision-making, planning of professional future.


The article considers the substantiation of the criteria for the development of professional self-determination among high school students in rural schools and highlighting its psychological features based on the results of empirical research. Professional self-determination of rural school graduates is defined as “the process of reflecting on their abilities in accordance with the requirements of the future profession, its choice depending on the value of it and establishing their own “self” by means of implementing their professional plans to support both their own well-being and that of their close people”. The criteria for the development of professional self-determination of secondary school graduates are the completeness of ideas about themselves and the world of professions; value attitude to the future profession choice; designing your own professional future. The model of professional self-determination of graduates as a complex system of interconnected components and their constructs is presented: cognitive (cognition of the world of professions, self-assessment of own abilities, awareness of external factors), emotional and value (value attitude to the choice of profession, satisfaction with professional choice), orientational-behavioral (ability to plan a professional future, ability to make decisions). The results of the cognitive component study showed that the majority of rural graduates showed lower (compared to respondents from urban schools) awareness of the world of professions, orientation to traditional professions; greater influence of parents and other important adults on the choice of profession was noted. The results of the study of professional value orientations (emotional-value component) showed that both rural and urban high school students are focused on material values, work and communication, but in the former the choice of professional future is determined more by altruistic motivation and family values. The data obtained on the approximate behavioral component showed less determination in choosing a profession, in contrast to urban students, as well as less manifestation of such indicator of professional readiness as planning. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of development of the studied education according to the specified criteria are analyzed, and also quantitative distribution of graduates of rural schools on levels of professional self-determination development as a whole is carried out. Based on the comparative analysis, the specifics of professional self-determination among rural school leavers are determined.


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