


hardiness, adolescent, difficult life situation, educational environment, educational socialization


The article raises the issue of the need to rethink the psychological content of the educational process, in particular, emphasizes the urgent need for the development of personal aspects of personality, namely its hardiness. The psychological meaning of the concept of hardiness and its main functions is revealed. It is emphasized that it is the leading structure of the personality, which contains three interrelated common dispositions, commitment, a sense of control, acceptance of a challenge, and functions as the main resource of hardiness when faced with stressful conditions. Its leading role in the adaptation of the personality, the preservation of mental health and psychological well-being, the formation of the ability to effectively resist difficulties and realize one's own potential is noted. It has been determined that the most sensitive stage in the development of hardiness is adolescence. It is emphasized that educational socialization is an effective system that promotes the formation of the individual, namely, ensures the acceptance of its social role, the gradual assimilation of the requirements of society, norms and values. The article presents the results of a study demonstrating the psychological characteristics of the manifestation of hardiness. In particular, most of the subjects show a high level of hardiness, which indicates a tendency to constructive behavior in difficult life situations. However, the level of hardiness in boys is much lower than in girls. Among the features of the manifestation of the structural components of hardiness, it was found that the highest level acquires commitment, while the lowest level acquires a challenge. Thus, due to an active interest in the world around them, ambition, the need for self-realization, finding their place and the reference group, adolescents tend to be involved in social interaction, express a desire to actively participate in the social processes of the environment. However, due to age characteristics, they also tend to show maximalism and perfectionism, which to a large extent hinders the development of the ability to make positive experience out of difficult situations and not be afraid of change.


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