


professional identity, professional formation of a psychologist, counselor, active position, attitude towards the profession as a value, study adaptation.


The article outlines the problem of professional identity formation for future psychologists. The empirical study of the differences in the development of professional identity indicators at different stages of future psychologist training in the bachelor’s degree is aimed. The main views of scientists on the process of professional development of psychologists (consultants, psychotherapists) are theoretically studied. Features of professional identities of psychologists are considered in comparison with the other professions. The importance of paying attention to the future psychologists’ professional identity formation on the stage of their studying in a higher educational institution is emphasized. The key periods of professional identity development of specialists working in the specialty are considered. Particularly a student period is highlighted, within which a clear vision of oneself as a future psychologist should be formed and a vision of their own professional path should be outlined. The peculiarities of the manifestation of professional identity from the first to the fourth year of undergraduate study have been empirically investigated. The peculiarities of students’ emotional attitude to their own profession and active position on mastering the profession of a psychologist are considered in detail. The main focus is on changing the emotional attitude to the specialty and profession from positive to negative. Among the main reasons for this depreciation are the maladaptation of students at the beginning of training, the tense psychological climate in the student group, the small number of study hours devoted to the personal development of students, and the development of willingness to interact with clients. As a result, senior students are psychologically unprepared for professional activities, and therefore choose other ways of self-realization. The conclusions suggest that negative attitudes and rejection of a psychologist’s role are often associated with low adaptation of students to the learning process, lack of positive psychological climate within the group, insufficient number of teaching hours aimed at personal development of students.


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