


interpersonal relationships, emotionality, communication, visual sympathy, intimacy, emotionally significant relationships.


The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of the content of emotionally significant relationship concept, analysis of the main provisions of modern psychological science to understand a particular phenomenon and outlines the components of this type of relationship. The results of the study were obtained using a questionnaire consisting of three semantic blocks. The first block of questions on “The idea of the phenomenon of emotionally significant relationships” revealed that the associations to our key concept are: love, affection, mutual understanding, respect, support, trust, loyalty, reciprocity and sincerity, this indicates that respondents see in emotionally significant relationships the best features that are inherent in interpersonal relationships. The second block of our survey concerned the psychological consistency and components of emotionally significant relationships. The most common answers were grouped into 5 categories and received the following scope of emotionally significant relationships in their hierarchy: care, reverence; similar value orientations, emotional response; sufficient level of communication; openness, trust; respect and understanding. The third block of questions concerned the destructive tendencies and factors that determine the dynamics of emotionally significant relationships. It was found that they can be emotionally exhausting because they contain a number of attributes that destabilize the relationship between partners. However, a third of respondents deliberately deny this possibility, and half allow it only in some cases. This suggests that the basis of perceptions of the latter are feelings with a positive modality. In case of destruction, they must bear another name. So, emotionally significant relationships are close relationships, usually between the partners who have the ability to embody an emotional and value attitude and evoke feelings in a partner through the prism of their life experience.


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