


communicative competence, structure of communicative competence, personal maturity, personal-professional maturity, psychological conditions, formation, future speech therapist.


The article covers the study of personal and professional maturity of future speech therapist as a psychological condition to form communicative competence. Scientific approaches to the study of maturity concepts, “personal maturity”, “professional maturity”, “communicative competence” and its structure are analyzed. It was found that a personal and professional maturity are the components of personal-professional maturity of future specialists, who have the vital and civic position, are able to accept themselves and unconditionally the others, quickly adapt to the demands of the profession and society strives for performance and professional growth. Research methods: Theoretical (analysis, comparison and systematization of psychological sources), empirical (testing, psychological and pedagogical experiment) and mathematical (Spearman’s and Pearson’s correlation coefficient) methods were used to solve the goal and tasks. A set of complementary psychodiagnostic methods was used to study the peculiarities of the development components of communicative competence and to determine personal-professional maturity as a psychological condition for its formation. Results. The psychological features of the development of the structural components of the future speech therapist communicative competence are revealed, its levels of development are determined. The psychological condition of its formation - personal and professional maturity - is theoretically determined and experimentally tested. There is a positive correlation between the levels of development of communicative competence and personal-professional maturity, which is evidence of its positive impact on the formation communicative competence. Conclusions. While studying in higher institutions, the communicative competence of the future speech therapist is not developed enough, and the condition for its increase is personal and professional maturity, as a characteristic of a person who has a certain life and civic position, able to accept themselves and unconditionally accept the others and society, striving for self-realization and professional growth.


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