primary school teacher, professional activity, “New Ukrainian School”, readiness for professional activity, psychological readiness, innovations, stress, psychological barriers, reflectionAbstract
The article focuses on the empirical determination of the peculiarities of the psychological readiness among primary school teachers for professional activity in the context of the implementation of the “New Ukrainian School” Concept. Research methods: The research uses theoretical (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, abstraction, specification) and empirical (survey) methods, methods of data interpretation. 46 primary school teachers from various educational institutions of Zaporizhia region took part in the survey. Respondents are the employees of general secondary education institutions, aged from 25 to 65. The article presents the results of this survey among primary school teachers on the psychological characteristics of professional activity in the implementation of the Concept “New Ukrainian School”. According to the results of the survey, the following data were obtained: 1) the teachers note that such psychological barriers as lack of internal resources for change and uncertainty; 2) in the course of the survey we found out that a significant proportion of respondents have an unstable psycho-emotional state, due to a significant increase in the requirements for professional activity. The results of the survey suggest the need to provide primary school teachers with psychological assistance in terms of awareness and acceptance of new requirements for their professional activities, which in its turn will minimize the frustrating impact on the individual and prevent destructive psycho-emotional states in general. Also, the results of the study indicate a possible tendency to professional and emotional burnout. Thus, the obtained results indicate the presence of contradictions, which means that teachers do not psychologically perceive the rapid pace of reform and emergence of innovation in professional activities.
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