



adventurism, tendency to adventurous behavior, volitional qualities of personality, personality trait, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis


The theoretical analysis of the research to define such phenomena as “adventurousness”, “adventure” and “adventurism” was done. Adventurousness (propensity for adventurous behavior) as a complex property of personality, is considered from the standpoint of a continuous-hierarchical approach to the structure of personality. The urgency of the problem is related to the need to study the volitional qualities and personality traits that require bold, fast, risky and adventurous actions in conditions of high uncertainty. For the empirical verification the following techniques were selected: the original psychodiagnostic “Test-questionnaire of propensity to adventure” (AVANT-1) by O. Sannikova, O. Sannikov, N. Melenchuk and the method “Volitional qualities of personality” by M. Chumakov. The results of the correlation analysis between indicators of adventurism and volitional qualities of personality traits are presented. There are mostly positive significant correlations between all indicators of adventurousness and most indicators of volitional qualities of personality: indicators of determination (Rsh), initiative (In), independence (Sm) and perseverance (Np). This is with the exceptions of responsibility (Vd) and purposefulness (Cl), with which there are negative significant relationships. Based on the qualitative analysis of empirical data, the specifics of volitional qualities of personality in “adventurous” and “non-adventurous” individuals have been studied. Adventurous personalities are considered to be much more decisive, independent, proactive and persistent in comparison with non-adventurous ones. They tend to show confidence, independence, courage, determination, independence, high creativity, productivity and perseverance in achieving their goals. It has been established that non-adventurous individuals, in contrast to adventurous individuals, are more responsible and purposeful. The results of the study show that the level of conscious regulation of behavior, its power over themselves is more pronounced in adventurous individuals than in individuals with a low level of adventurism.


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