


tolerance, gender tolerance / intolerance, cognitive component of gender tolerance, emotional component of gender tolerance, behavioral component of gender tolerance


The article exposes the definition of psychological features of gender tolerance and its structural components in adolescence. This age period is marked by the emergence of a new social situation of development, the center of which is the transition to independent living (the beginning of professional development, implementation of life plans). Intensive development of self-awareness continues, young people self-determine in the system of moral values, principles, norms and rules of conduct, are aware of personal social responsibility. According to this situation of development of the young generation in the conditions of transformational processes in economic, political and social spheres, the issue of harmonization of intersex relations of youth through education of tolerant attitude to representatives of one`s own and opposite sex is important. Manifestation of gender tolerance in adolescence contributes to: the creation of psychologically comfortable conditions for joint activities of both sexes; achieving interpersonal and intergroup mutual understanding and respect in various spheres of life interaction; providing effective psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of young men and women of the necessary individual and personal qualities for successful resistance to stereotypes and pressure of society.  The purpose of the article is to study the psychological features of the manifestation of gender tolerance and the formation of its components among young men and women. The objectives of the study are: selection and implementation of methods to determining the degree of manifestation of gender tolerance by adolescents; study of its structure and levels of formation of cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. In the process of the empirical research we have used: the method of “VIKTI: types and components of tolerance” (author G.L. Bardier), quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results performed on the scales “gender tolerance”, “cognitive component”, “affective component”, “Activity-style component” of gender tolerance. Based on certain levels of gender tolerance, it was found that more than half of adolescents have a level of gender tolerance at a medium (close to low) level; about a third of young people have a low level of gender tolerance; and only the fifth part has formed (high level) gender tolerance. When analyzing the formation of such components of gender tolerance (cognitive, emotional, behavioral), it was found that their reduced performance is more perculiar for boys that is manifested in their reduced reflexivity, limited emotional and behavioral self-regulation.


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