Features of forming integrative students' thinking in higher art institutions in the area of piano performance





integrative thinking, integrity, interplays of professional and aesthetic formation, peculiarities of the formation of integrative thinking of teachers-musicians, musical performance activity, piano performance


The features of forming integrative students' thinking based on the integrity of all processes and phenomena, and the complex interaction of the artistic discipline system and the sequence of piano training in higher art institutions, are revealed. The harmonious development of personality, cognitive and creative activity constitutes an important aspect. The author believes that integrative thinking always operates with various types of mental operations but relies on images that are filled with emotional content. Therefore, the development of the researched phenomenon in the piano class should combine the logic of construction and the specificity of the figurative content of the work, the disclosure of the emotional mood, and the strengthening of empathic processes. Worthy of attention is the provision that musical performance, in particular, the piano, activates the integrative mechanisms of thinking, improves artistic qualities, technical skill, and provides effective auditory self-control. It is also noted that public musical performance activities are based on a combination of special abilities: artistry, executive will and endurance, resistance to extreme conditions, and specific technical and psychomotor abilities.

The integrity of the integrative components of education was revealed. Focusing on the uniqueness of the performer's personality, the presence of common goals, tasks, and teaching methods, and the integrity of the system of musical and performing training based on the unity of the content of performing and theoretical disciplines. The use of various types of musical activities in their complex interaction and the use of innovative forms and means of learning were also highlighted. The author proved that the formation of integrative thinking is a process of combining all its types and thought operations. Within this process, synthesis and interpenetration of worldview positions, special knowledge and skills, creative activity, reflection, etc., are carried out. It is emphasized separately that the process of forming the integrative thinking of future teachers-musicians through means of piano performance has a personal character, which involves taking into account the individual qualities of students and focusing on the combination of professional skills and aesthetic perception of the world.



How to Cite

ZGНURSKA N. (2024) “Features of forming integrative students’ thinking in higher art institutions in the area of piano performance”, Naukovij časopis: Teorìâ ì metodika mistecʹkoï osvìti [Scientific Journal: Theory and Methodology of Arts Education]. Publisher: Dragomanov Ukrainian State University. [Kyiv, Ukraine], 32, pp. 13–19. doi: 10.31392/UDU-nc.series14.2024.32.02.