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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The requirements and editorial rules are at the "Journal Policies" page of this web-site. All this is accepted by the author.

    All rules of manuscripts' designing (the "Memo to the author") are duplicated at the next page.

Author Guidelines

Article preparation recommendations

  • The articles (manuscripts) that are submitted to the "Naukovij časopis Nacìonal’nogo pedagogìčnogo unìversitetu ìmenì M.P. Dragomanova. Serìâ 14. Teorìâ ì metodika mistec’koï osvìti" [Scientific journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education] follow a double blind peer-review procedure.
  • Submitted papers must be clearly written in Ukrainian. Supporting the internationalization of the Journal, all articles written in Ukrainian must include titles, summaries / abstracts and author’s information are translated in English.
  • The preferred mode of submission is as MS Word (.doc) by email attachment to:
  • The target length for an article is 6,000-8,000 words (20,000-40,000 characters with spaces).
  • The style (e.g. fonts, font size, spaces, margins, etc.) is adjusted by editors.
  • It is suggested that figures, tables and formulae should be displayed with features of your software package (e.g. MS Word tools).
  • The list of References (Bibliography) should appear at the end of the main text, and be listed in alphabetical order by author’s name.
  • References to publications within the text should be as follows (in square brackets): [1].
  • References in English abstracts should be as follows, in round brackets: (Shcholokova, 2002: 26).
  • Footnotes are not allowed.
  • Information about the author should include: author name, honorary or other degree(s) (if any); affiliation. Provide also the full postal address, including the country name, e-mail address and, if available, phone numbers (with country and area code). Contact details must be kept up to date by the corresponding author.
  • The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. The abstract should not be less than 350 words.
  • The abstract should also contain a short list of carefully chosen Keywords or content indicators (3-8 words).
  • Acceptance of manuscripts is based on originality and importance to the field as assessed by the Editors. Manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board with ad hoc assistance of external reviewers (blind peer review). Publication decisions are made by the Editorial Board. Based on editorial judgment, some submissions are rejected initially without external review.

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The information provided by site users during registration is necessary for the operation of the software environment and for internal technical tasks, and is not transferred to third parties. 

Data about the scientist, intended for public identification of the author of the article, are published openly by the journal in accordance with international scientific standards.