Journal Policies


Journal Policies 

This Ukrainian academic periodical edition publishes peer-reviewed original articles and scholarly researches to be specialized  on art education and on pedagogy of arts

The journal (ISSN 2664-1909) is devoted to actual problems of professional training of teachers of arts disciplines. The modern approaches of formation of pedagogical mastery and development of creative qualities skills of students are highlighting. Methodical recommendations for aesthetic education and arts competence of pupil youth are given.

Target interested audience: The publication is provided for researchers, teachers, students, academic educational institutions, scholars and practitioners in arts education.

This Journal is included in the list of periodical scholar journals reviewed by the highest Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as an edition with the results of dissertations in research branch "Pedagogical sciences".

Format: Published a regular printed edition with two issues per year since 2004.

Management of the Journal: 
• Editorial Council on general education and pedagogy;
• Editorial Board on arts education and on pedagogy of art;
• Advisory Group both including outstanding academia persons from specializing in arts education and pedagogy of arts;
• Workflow managers, editors of publishing maintaining, copywriters, editors of websites & online services.


Subject headings of the journal:

Section 1. Conceptual foundations of modern art education
Section 2. Professional training of the upcoming teachers of arts disciplines
Section 3. Forming of arts competence of pupil youth
Section 4. Historical, comparative-pedagogical aspects of arts education

Please note this journal is not intended for studying problems in the religion, interethnic relations, tourism, politics, economics and finance sectors even though the theoretical data may used in the papers.

Supporting the internationalization of the Journal: the articles written in Ukrainian includes titles, summaries / abstracts and author’s information are translated in English.


Ethics statement of the scientific publication 
Our Journal is committed to maintaining high standards of scientific competence through peer-review and a strict ethical policy. The editors strive to prevent any unscrupulous practices (such as plagiarism or misrepresentation, fraudulent use of data). Each member of the editorial and publication process (editors, publishers, authors, reviewers, etc.) is bound to the ethical standards wich institutionalized by experience of international scholarly community.

This scientific Journal follows the Code of Conduct ( of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and relies on standards of the "ELSEVIER publishing ethics resource kit" (recommended by Elsevier Publishing House), URL:


Peer Review Process

The Journal considers for publication the scientific materials on conditions that they are original works and are not copies of other published articles. The author’s manuscript submitted to this Journal should not be under consideration elsewhere.

All manuscripts should be presented in accordance with the Journal’s publication guidelines. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the submitted material at the preliminary stage of internal review for the following reasons:
1) an article has no scientific relevance;
2) the materials is incompatible with the research topic of this Journal and its academic specialization;
3) an author violated the principles of scientific publication ethics.

By submitting your manuscripts to the Journal, you agree that your articles are checked for originality and have to undergo the peer-review and publication procedures.

The Editorial Board provides a peer review procedure for the manuscripts free of charge. All submitted articles are reviewed by the Chief Editor or the Editor, who will assign them to independent external peer reviewers for next expert opinion through double blind peer reviewing procedure. We aim to complete the review process of the manuscripts, from submission date to decision date, within seven weeks. The Chief Editor makes a publication decision according to the reviewers’ opinion and comments. If necessary, the author should edit the manuscript within two weeks. The final decision on emerging forthcoming journal’s issue is made by the Editor-in-Chief, based on expert reviewers’ opinion. 

Editorial board reserves the right for minor literary and stylistic corrections of the texts on the basis of the high international academic quality standards. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of information, the accuracy of quotations, names, surnames.

Please note that in cases of plagiarism authors are responsible for provided materials.

Web-archive of electronic copies of the Journal is available on official digital platforms of Ukraine: 

Payment policy
The journal provides publishing of articles for free as well as access to issues of journal.

Open access policy

This is an open access journal which means that the Edition is freely available for usage in order for global knowledge sharing. Users and their institutions are allowed for reading, downloading, coping, printing, searching and distributing for information, is to be referring links to the Journal without any charge or prior permission from the authors and the Publishers. 

Copyright notice 
Copyrights for articles are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. Authors have rights to reuse, republish, archive, and distribute their own articles after publication.

Digital versions of scholarly papers are published by using the license Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives cc by-nc-nd, that allows other persons to share the scholarly work indicating the authorship and initial publication