


innovation, gender-age, educational-professional, affective-cognitive, motivational-activity, value-orientation factors, pedagogical workers


The article considers the problem relevant for age and pedagogical psychology – the development of an innovative personality of the teacher. The article aims to highlight the theoretical and empirical predictors of the study of personality innovation. Tasks of research: definition and substantiation of psychological predictors of innovation of the person; conducting an empirical study and presenting its results to determine the levels of innovation of teachers. To build the psychological profile of the personality of an innovative pedagogical worker, a method of “self-assessment of professional innovative culture of a teacher” was used, which meets the requirements of standardization (analyzed left and right shifts, measures of asymmetry and distribution) and validity (α Cronbach = 0.8). In the process of development and validation of the methodology “self-assessment of professional innovative culture of a teacher” was performed content analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis. The “self-assessment of professional innovative culture of a teacher” method has sufficient reliability, satisfactory consistency and can be used to psychologically measure the levels of innovation development of teachers (Ignatovych, 2018). Empirical research included procedures of expert questioning, content analysis, psychodiagnostic methods:  “Motivation to achieve success and avoid failure” (A. Rean); “Value orientations” (M. Rokich); personal self-actualization questionnaire (N. Kalina); intelligence structure diagnostics test (R. Amthauer); methods of multifactorial study of personality (R. Cattell); “tapping test” (E. Ilyin). In the context of the presented materials, the authors highlight the empirical generalization of the results of the study of psychological predictors of personality innovation and, in the particular, pedagogical staff of general secondary, extracurricular, vocational, higher, postgraduate education; the psychological profile of the personality of the innovative pedagogical worker is constructed. It is established that the definition of psychological predictors is of undoubted scientific and practical importance, as it allowed not only to determine the factors that determine the phenomenon of innovative teachers but also to assess the comparative contribution of these factors to the projected effect of its development in teachers. The defined system of psychological predictors of innovation development of pedagogical workers consists of gender-age, educational-professional, affective-cognitive, motivational-activity, value-orienting factors.


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