


attention, properties of attention, individual psychological features, cognitive style, field dependence-field independence, impulsivity-reflectivity, focusing-scanning style


In this article was performed a theoretical analysis of research depth related to the problem regarding the relationship between cognitive style and attention characteristics of personality. The purpose of the study is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the relationship between cognitive and stylistic features of the individual and the characteristics of his attention. The objectives of the study were to determine those properties of attention, individual differences in which determine the cognitive and stylistic features of personality; determining the age characteristics of the relationship between the parameters of cognitive styles of the individual with the properties of his attention. The article uses a set of theoretical research methods: theoretical and methodological analysis and modelling of the study of the presented problem; analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization of scientific literature sources. The difficulty in defining the phenomenon of attention and interpreting its essence is that attention is not a mental process, it does not have its own product, but is a party or characteristic of the internal mental and external practical activity of the individual. The properties of attention in different cognitive styles differ. Attention and cognitive style are related to the process of information processing. The individual features of attention that are used in the perception and processing of information are related to cognitive style.
Cognitive style is defined as individual psychological features of cognitive processes, the tendency to use certain ways of interacting with information. Theoretical models that show the relationship between cognitive processes and cognitive styles are analyzed. The features of cognitive styles that determine the individual characteristics of human attention are analyzed. The relationship of cognitive styles field dependence-independence, impulsivity-reflexivity, focusing-scanning control and attention properties (concentration, volume, distribution, switching) is revealed. The age specificity of the structure of the relationship between the parameters of cognitive styles and the properties of attention is determined. It was found that the individual characteristics of attention in different cognitive styles differ, which must be taken into account in the implementation of any activity.


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