emotional burnout, anxiety, neurotization, stress, managers of commercial organizations, professional deformation.Abstract
The theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept «Emotional burnout» is presented in the article, its symptoms are covered. Emotional burnout is a state of emotional, mental, physical exhaustion that develops as a result of chronic stress caused by one’s own work and combines emotional devastation, depersonalization and reduction of one's personal achievements. The causes and peculiarities of emotional burnout are revealed. The main groups of factors that cause the emergence of emotional burnout syndrome are identified: personal, role, organizational. Phases of formation of emotional burnout syndrome in managers of commercial organizations are revealed: phase of tension, phase of resistance, phase of exhaustion. The dominant symptoms of burnout in the phase of tension are: dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s profession, position, specific responsibilities; in the phase of resistance, a symptom of inadequate selective emotional response and a symptom of reduction of professional responsibilities; in the exhaustion phase – symptoms of emotional deficiency, emotional estrangement and depersonalization. The study revealed that managers of commercial organizations mainly use such mechanisms of psychological protection as rationalization and projection. They show a tendency to attribute their own negative feelings, intentions, wishes to other people. They are looking for convincing evidence and justification for explaining their actions and wishes that are not well encouraged. These are the attempts of the researchers to prove that their behavior is rational and justified, and therefore socially approved, it helps to resolve conflict situations or overcome difficulties on the way to the goal, avoiding excessive emotional disturbance. Almost half of the respondents have an average level of anxiety and neurotization. They feel a constant decrease in mood, excitement, worry, rapid fatigue, weakness, dissatisfaction with their needs and wishes, uncertainty in the future. A statistically significant positive correlation was found out between the manifestations of the emotional burnout syndrome and the level of anxiety and neurotisation in managers of commercial organizations. It was stated that the development of an appropriate psychocorrective program will help to prevent the emotional burnout syndrome in the managers of commercial organizations.
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