



alexithymia, expression, emotions, alexithymia type, non-alexithymia type, recognition of emotions.


The article is devoted to the problem of recognition of the own emotional experiences and their external expressions. The tendency of the individual to recognize emotions through the perception of expression is regarded as a well-established, multi-component, integral property that provides accuracy, adequacy of understanding their emotional experiences and experiences of another. The relevance of the development of the problem is related to the lack of social connections, lack of experience in recognizing emotions, especially in the situation of development of Internet Communications, which leads to the reduction of emotional vocabulary of a modern man. The process of social adaptation is impossible without the ability of the individual to understand and differentiate emotions. This leads to the need to study the ability of the individual to adequately determine their emotional states and understand their expressive repertoire. This study is based on the suggestion that difficulties in recognizing the emotions and expressing them may be associated with a different personality tendency to alexithymia. Alexithymia is regarded as an inability to perceive, feel and call the word (lexis) feelings, their emotions (thymos).
The aim of the article is to study the ability to understand and recognize the expressive show of emotions in persons with different tendency to alexithymia. The concept of alexithymia as a factor of understanding of emotions was revealed; the correlation between the parameters of the variables was explored; persons who are prone and are not prone to alexithymia were defined and the peculiarities of their expression were defined and compared. The presence of the significant negative connection between the indicators of expressive expression and alexithymia was empirically established. It was shown that the tendency to increase the level of alexithymia inhibits the ability of personality to expressive manifestations of their emotional experiences, and manifestations of successful recognition of their expression show the persons who have not found propensity to alexithymia. It was proved that the tendency to alexithymia is one of psychological factors of personality''s ability not only to understand the emotions, but also to identify and use the expressive repertoire, its possibilities and resources.


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