


determination of personality, reasonableness, rationality, usefulness, choice of the individual, decision-making.


The aim of this research is to present the results of the analysis of reasonableness in the structure of determination, the psychological features of determination as a sustainable integral property of the individual. The goal was achieved by the following research objectives: the study of the psychological characteristics of personality intelligence as characteristics of determination; the explore of the relationships between the determination and rationality of personality choices; the identification of the persons with a dominant rationality; the explore of the sustainable characteristics of determination in individuals who are rational. The relevance of the study is due to the need for science to be methodologically generalized in the problem of rationality, in the methodical development of reasonableness as a characteristic of determination, and in the development of applied aspects of using sets of indicators, functional blocks and individual psychological features of individual determination.
The results of the analysis of the relationship between rationality and personality selection and decision-making were presented. The modern ideas of usefulness, prudence, rationality in decision-making by personality according to the data of foreign and domestic studies were described. A set of diagnostic techniques to solve the research problems of studying the rationality of determination and rationality of personality selection was designed: «Selfassessment of the structure of determination», «Personality Decision Factors», «Personality Type Indicator», and also «The Melbourne Decision Survey».
The results of the correlational analysis of the correlations of the indicators of determination, reasonable decision-making and personality rationality were presented. The positive, significant relationships between rationality, cognitive determination, alertness, sensory and crucial personality type were identified. The study also revealed negative significant relationships between rationality, adventurism, spontaneity, risk preparedness and personality type indicators – extroversion and perceiving type. The profiles of the characteristics of determination, and the psychological characteristics of choice in persons who are rational were reviewed. The components of the structure of subjective and functional utility of decision making by personality were highlighted.


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