self-acceptance, structure of self-acceptance, self-reports in the form of essays, content-analysis, qualitative characteristics of self-acceptance.Abstract
The article presents the research results of a wide range of self-acceptance phenomenon manifestations as a multilevel personality trait, which reflects the person degree and specificity of self-being acceptance. The aim is to discover the qualitative characteristics of self-acceptance, which represents modality (quality and sign – acceptance or non-acceptance) and characteristics in the context of the basic types of the person mental activity: emotional, cognitive and behavioral. The theoretical basis of the research: the continuum-hierarchical concept of personality structure by O. Sannikova, which represents the self-acceptance qualitative characteristics. The main research method: content analysis of self-reports. The subject of the study is the indicators of self-acceptance qualitative characteristics. The content-analysis procedure of self-reports in the form of essays by the theme «Self-acceptance and its manifestations» was carried out in three stages: preparatory, executive and analyticalinterpretative. The analysis identified 274 linguistic units that provide additional information about the psychological content and structure of the personality self-acceptance phenomenon. The sauruses of self-acceptance qualitative indicators were compiled into the corresponding blocks. The emotional block includes the emotionally experience characteristics of personality existence recognition. Indicators of the self-acceptance cognitive parameter present a continuum of traits that reflect a person’s consent to being as they are, in the mind. Behavioral parameter indicators reflect the acceptance or non-acceptance behavioral manifestations. The controlregulatory indicators reflect the degree of control emotional, cognitive, behavioral selfrepresentations and a degree of self-awareness at an individually accepted level. Content analysis has identified personality traits that are hypothetically related to self-acceptance, and selfacceptance factors.
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