


professional identity, professional self-identity, professional identification, professional self-identification, structural components, factors, model, future psychologist.


The article is dedicated to the theoretical and empirical studying of an issue of future psychologist professional identity formation. The article focuses on the necessity of taking into account the features of its structural components in the professional training of studentspsychologists. The concepts «professional identity», «professional identification», «professional self-identity» and «professional self-identification» are theoretically grounded in the article. Professional identity is considered as one of the important newly formed element in the personality of adolescents. It is noted the relationship of the formation of professional identity with the process of professional self-determination. The dependence of the effective fulfillment of a psychologist in the future from the formation of his/her professional identity is established. It is proved that the processes of cognitive and personal development of psychologists in the aggregate provide the basis for the formation of their professional identity in the process of mastering professional competencies. The professional identity is considered as a dynamic structure that evolves and changes throughout a person’s life. Professional identity is determined by such components as existential, role and personal self-categorization, which involves the functional and the existential relationship of a person and profession. The factors influencing the formation of professional identity of future psychologists are identified. The models of professional identity of future psychologists are analyzed. The article is focused on the fact that the personality of the future specialist is one of the most important components of a successful model of formation professional self-identity. The level of awareness of students-psychologists to determine their profession in the process of becoming their professional identity is determined. Indicators of students’ ability to self-identity are defined. The factors that determine the effectiveness of students’ professional identity are distinguished. The influence of psychological and pedagogical factors on the formation of self-identity is analyzed.


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