


infertility, psycho diagnostic, psycho emotional sphere, reproductive potential, reproductive setting, additional reproductive technologies


This article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical approaches to the problem of realization of woman reproductive potential of childbearing age. Main attention is focused on the social problems, socio-psychological features of reproductive setting of infertile man and woman, peculiarities of self-perception and female self esteem in infertile marriage, gender identity of women who suffer from infertility, reasons of psychological unreadiness to maternity and so on. The research includes the model of women reproductive health, which include medico-biological (genotype, features of physical development and level of health, peculiarities of reproductive growth sphere and reproductive system diseases, sexual opening, passing of pregnancy and childbirth, post delivery period) psychosocial (conditions of existence, way of communication with close and distant surroundings, economical possibilities and professional belonging, socialhousing conditions , psycho traumatic events and factors, availability of medical help, economic and climate situation of environment, demands and traditions) and individual and psychological components (cognitive, emotion, motivational and behavior components). Attention was focused on three aspects of infertility – as a result in disorder in reproductive function, as clinical diagnose and as psychosocial phenomenon. The process of the infertility adaptation is difficult and includes such stages: latent (psychological adaptation to diagnose), therapeutic (passing of diagnostic and treatment procedures), and stage of relative stability (motivation decline towards treatment, doubts in successful result) and crisis stage (gain of psychological disadaptation). Infertility leads to the negative changes in the structure of woman’s psycho emotional state, self esteem and social well-being of couple and can cause breach in family relationship. That is why it is recommended to pass complex examination, which includes first of all psycho diagnostic of psycho emotional sphere of individual.


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