


shyness, psychological peculiarities of shyness, intensity of shyness, frequency of shyness, subjective justification, reasons of shyness, consequences of shyness


The article is devoted to empirical investigation of psychological peculiarities of shyness among the students – future psychologists with the help of Stanford Shyness Survey by Ph. Zimbardo. Shy students were chosen from the general sample, and based on content-analysis, their psychological peculiarities were determined, namely: intensity and frequency of their shyness reactions, situations and kinds of activities, types of people, subjective justification, physical reactions, thoughts, feelings, actions, positive and negative consequences associated with being shy, and reasons of the origin of shyness. Intensity of shyness was explored by means of establishing its impact in context – extremely intense, very intense, enough intense, mildly intense such as, for instance, embarrassment. Frequency of shyness was explored by means of establishing the frequencies of its occurrence – every day; almost every day; often, almost every other day; once or twice a week; on occasions, but less than once a week; rare, once a month or even less. Quantitative and qualitative data of manifestation of psychological peculiarities of person’s shyness were calculated, and expressed as a percentage. Based on the analysis of outcome, we have concluded that there is the prevalence of shy individuals over those who do not shy. Communication with the «shy» – group respondents revealed existence of particular certainty about psychological peculiarities of self-shyness. The students – future psychologists’ request related to overcoming their shyness with the help of expert-psychologist was elucidated. The necessity of developing the shyness overcoming psycho- correctional program was pointed out. It was based on the students – future psychologists’ assertions regarding negative impact of shyness on their self-development and professional growth.


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