


social intelligence, ability, personality, late young age, mature age


The article presents the results of empirical study of the features of social intelligence of late young age, in comparison with the social intelligence of mature age. The psychological meaning of the phenomenon of «social intelligence» is presented. In our understanding, social intelligence is a complex of personality’s abilities to know and solve problems that determine the success of its interactions with other people in society. The organization and methods of empirical research are described. The purpose of the study is to empirically study the peculiarities of the development of social intelligence of a personality of late young age. The achievement of this goal was facilitated by the application of the social intelligence test by authors J. Guilford and M. O’Sullivan in the adaptation of O. Mykhailova. A comparative analysis of the results of studying the general index of social intelligence and its basic constructs (ability to understand different life situations, manifestations of non-verbal and verbal behavioral expression and prediction of other people’s behavior) was conducted in the respondents’ of late young age and mature age. It has been empirically established that the personality of late adolescence is more likely to exhibit lower than average and average levels of knowledge of other people’s social behavior and adequate understanding of non-verbal and verbal manifestations of their behavior, as opposed to mature age. The personality of late young age is infrequently unable to properly analyze and predict the strategy of successful behavior, both of one’s own and that of others, compared to that of a mature age. It is not always the personality of late young age that can adequately understand the manifestations of verbal and non-verbal behavioral expression of other people, as opposed to the personality of mature age. In the late adolescence, the ability to predict other people’s behavior is much lower than that of a mature personality. The established peculiarities of the formation of social intelligence often hinder the success of social interactions of a personality of late adolescence, as opposed to a person of mature age.


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