


subject of educational process, subjectivity, activity, subjective activity, selfactualization, professional-value orientations


The article is devoted to the study of personal factors of subjective activity formation of future social workers. Theoretical provisions of the concept of subject and subjectivity in national psychology and their application in higher education are analyzed. The article analyzes the scientific approaches to interpretation of the concepts of «subject» and «subjectivity» as psychological phenomena in the context of personal self-dependence of future specialists. Subjective activity is regarded as a complex system-integrative property of the individual, reflecting his/her ability to transform oneself and the surrounding reality actively and consciously, expresses the characteristic of the conscious self realization by the person of his/her inner natural essence, defines a personality as a subject of life in his life and makes. The main subjective characteristics and levels of subjectivity in the process of future specialist formation are highlighted. The results of the study of the personal qualities and value structure influence of first year students and graduate students on the forms of their subjective activity are presented. The differences in the structure of relationships of indicators of subjective activity with personal properties and the structure of values of students of different years of study were obtained. It is emphasized that the formation of subjective activity, which is focused on professional selfdevelopment and self-realization of the individual in the educational process, is an important factor in the professional development of a specialist.


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