


the phenomenon of hardiness, hardiness, modern science, war, psychological resilience, personality, Ukraine.


The article is dedicated to the study of the phenomenon of hardiness within the paradigm of modern science. The concept of hardiness has been clarified, as it serves as a fundamental lever for the realization of personal potential in various life circumstances. The psychological content of the key components of hardiness has been revealed: Commitment (interest and active participation in life events), Control (belief in the ability to influence situations), and Risk acceptance (willingness to act in uncertain conditions). These components are crucial in the study of the phenomenon of hardiness. Emphasis is placed on the issues of hardiness that are being studied both abroad and in Ukraine, as well as on the perspectives of scientists who have recently implemented training programs aimed at enhancing the hardiness of youth and specific population groups. Based on the analysis of theories and viewpoints of contemporary Ukrainian and foreign scholars, the conditions that contribute to the development of personal hardiness have been identified and substantiated. The conditions for personality development under the influence of challenging life situations have been examined. The impact of increased hardiness on the physical and mental health of young people, as well as their successful adaptation to stressful situations, has been analyzed. One such situation is the war and military actions in Ukraine. The phenomenon of hardiness has been considered in terms of overcoming difficulties and neutralizing negative experiences throughout a person’s life, as individuals constantly face various challenges of different levels. Similarities in the patterns of reasoning among modern Ukrainian and foreign scientists regarding the phenomenon of hardiness and the prospects for further research on this issue have been identified. The psychological content of the mechanisms that enable individuals to withstand stress through factors affecting personal hardiness has been analyzed. Based on the studied material, a personal view on the phenomenon of hardiness, personal hardiness, and the associated mechanisms shaping their interaction has been formed. The author proposes a comprehensive vision of this issue, taking into account the ongoing war events in Ukraine.


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