


sexuality, healthy sexuality, gender identity, sexual orientation, interpretation of information about the self, self-concept.


The article considers the theoretical analysis of the problem of the influence of an individual's healthy sexuality on the interpretation of information about the “self”. A significant stage for the psychological formation of a person as a holistic individual who accepts and understands their physiological and psychological characteristics is the development of self-perception and interpretation of their own “self” (i.e., self-concept) in the context of the genesis of sexuality as a personality trait. For a detailed study of this issue, we used such methods as analysis, systematization and synthesis of scientific literature, abstraction, induction, and deduction. As a result of the theoretical and methodological analysis, we have determined that the concept of “healthy sexuality” is an integral part of the psychosocial activity of an individual, which acts as a personal trait of the self-concept and ensuring a profound process of positive self-perception as a person endowed with sexual feelings and qualities, which, when necessary, can be expressed in building relationships with other people. The conducted analysis of the problem studied allows us to conclude that sexuality is a complex formation encompassing psychological, social, and biological factors, the interaction of which leads to its healthy or pathological development. A significant influence on the development of healthy sexuality is the sexual self-esteem of the individual, which determines the nature of the interpretation of information about the self, changing cognitive ideas of their sexual characteristics and the interpretation of their sexuality. We can see the prospects for our further research in conducting an empirical analysis in this direction, continuing to consider the issue of the influence of biopsychosocial factors on the process of healthy sexuality formation in more detail.


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