


psychological assistance, victims of the war in Ukraine, mental health, traumatic stress, depression, anxiety disorders, integration of support, therapy.


The main topic of research is the provision of psychological assistance to people affected by war to reduce the symptoms of traumatic stress, depression, anxiety disorders and other mental problems. War leads to significant psychological trauma, which has long-term consequences for the mental health of the victims. The problem is the high level of mental disorders among these people, which requires immediate intervention and psychological support. Without proper help, these disorders can greatly complicate their daily life and social adaptation. The object of the study is victims of the war in Ukraine, who need psychological help to restore their mental health and return to normal life. They face challenges, including the loss of loved ones, homes, jobs, and witnessing violence and destruction. This contributes to the development of serious mental problems that must be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of various approaches in reducing the symptoms of mental disorders among war victims. The research focuses on such approaches as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), trauma-focused CBT, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), emotion-focused therapy (FTE), psychodynamic therapy, group therapy, crisis intervention. CBT aims to change negative thought patterns and behaviors, which helps reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Trauma-focused CBT specializes in working with traumatic memories and associated emotions. CBT combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness and emotional regulation techniques, which is helpful for clients with emotional dysregulation and self-destructive behaviors. FTE helps clients recognize, express and process their emotions, which helps improve emotional health and reduce stress levels. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of these approaches in reducing the symptoms of mental disorders among war victims. The study also emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to provide psychological care, which includes multidisciplinary teams of specialists, integration of psychosocial support into the health care system, and the development of new psychotherapeutic methods that take into account the specifics of war-related traumatic experiences.


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