emotional intelligence, EI, adult age, development, psychological functioning, quality of life.Abstract
The article is aimed at a detailed theoretical study of the basics of the emotional intelligence development in adults. The main focus is on the key role of emotional intelligence in the psychological and social functioning of adults. The study reveals its profound impact on various aspects of the quality of life of an individual. Delving into the structure of emotional intelligence, the analysis carefully examines key components such as emotional awareness, skillful self-regulation strategies, empathic understanding, and cultivating compassion. Various factors affecting the development of emotional intelligence in adulthood, including the interaction of the social environment, family upbringing, individual personality traits and the cumulative impact of life experience, are analyzed in detail. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of theoretical approaches that highlight the nature and significance of emotional intelligence, emphasizing its key role in activating the potential for adaptive functioning and self-realization of adults in complicated situations of their professional, social, and everyday life. The conclusions of the article can be useful for researchers, practicing psychologists and specialists of various profiles, who are interested in issues of psychology, emotional intelligence, factors affecting its development in adults. Valuable insights into the specifics of the psychology of adult development and factors that contribute to their emotional well-being are offered. In general, this study not only complements the generally accepted understanding of emotional intelligence in adulthood, but also emphasizes its key role in the formation of individual well-being and social dynamics of an adult personality. Through further research and application of these concepts in the practical activities of psychological and social specialists, it becomes possible to create an environment that will promote the development of emotional intelligence, strengthen the stability of the individual, maintain the appropriate level of empathic response and satisfaction in adults.
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