


psychological methods, diagnosis, ADHD, childhood.


The article examines the peculiarities of psychological methods of differential diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in childhood. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is defined as a complex, chronic, and heterogeneous developmental disorder that typically begins in childhood and persists into adulthood. It has been determined that ADHD is a polymorphic clinical syndrome, the basis of which is a violation of the child’s ability to control and regulate their behavior, which is manifested in motor hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder and impulsivity. The study found that ADHD remains difficult to diagnose due to the lack of specific biomarkers and specificity of symptoms, which is caused by a wide range of differential diagnosis and quite frequent correlation with other diseases. It was revealed that analyzing the psychological methods of differential diagnosis of ADHD in childhood is an important task, since this disorder can have similar symptoms in some other mental and developmental disorders. It has been established that the differential diagnosis of ADHD includes an important aspect of distinguishing this disorder from other mental and neurological conditions. Thus, it is necessary to determine the difference between ADHD and such disorders as autism spectrum disorder, intellectual development disorder, motor coordination disorder, learning disorder that is associated with development, as well as depressive and anxiety disorders, oppositional defiant and antisocial behavior disorder, etc. As a result of the research, it has been found that a combination of various psychological approaches, such as clinical observation, the use of standardized instruments and interviews, can be most effectively used for the differential diagnosis of ADHD in childhood. It has been established that a systematic and comprehensive approach to the diagnosis of ADHD in childhood avoids incorrect clinical conclusions and contributes to a balanced selection of medical interventions.


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