pronatal attitudes, reproductive attitudes, values, mentality, genophilia, genophobia.Abstract
The article highlights the peculiarities of pronatal attitudes of Ukrainian youth (in particular, the phenomenon of unplanned pregnancy), which are formed under the influence of culture and mentality. University students from the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus participated in the study. Despite the historically formed stable family- and child-oriented attitudes among those populations, significant changes in the institutional structure of both the countries and the transformation of the socio-cultural background of young people’s life style caused the changes in the pronatal behavior of women. The results obtained indicate the slight differences in the emotional response among the respondents of both subgroups to the fact of an unplanned pregnancy. The dominance of negative emotions (fear, shock, despair) expresses the psycho-traumatic nature of the situation and the need for further existential choice. We found statistically significant differences only for the emotions “joy”, “anxiety” and “panic”. It is worth highlighting the greater level of readiness of Ukrainian women to give birth to a child in comparison with the Belarusian ones (83.7% and 52.3%, respectively), whereas the medical termination of pregnancy was preferred by 16.3% of Ukrainian women and 47.7% of Belarusian women. In addition, certain differences were also found in the ranking of values related to pronatal attitudes. Ukrainian respondents can be characterized as family- and child-oriented. Among six life-determining values, the leading positions were taken by “family”, “love” and “children”, whereas for representatives of the Belarusian sample, the most prioritized values were “love” and “personal freedom”. The results obtained also indicate statistically significant differences between the samples both in terms of the level of manifestation of the general reproductive attitude and its components – genophilia/genophobia and reproductive activity/passivity. We found that Belarusian respondents were more prone to genophobia and reproductive passivity.
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