


young people of late adolescence, psychological strategies of the individual’s life activities, value orientations, values, accessibility, internal conflict, internal vacuum.


The article is focused on the analysis of value orientations of Ukrainian youth, which is a structural component of the psychological strategies of an individual’s life. Life strategy is defined as a holistic, dynamic system that includes a time perspective, a subjective base of values, meanings, beliefs, attitudes of the individuals to themselves, to the world, society, according to which goals and plans are built and implemented, contradictions and obstacles are overcome, and results are evaluated. Senior adolescence is recognized as a sensitive stage for the formation of value orientations as stable elements of life perspective. The results. In the system of value orientations of student youth, the first three positions among boys are occupied by the values “happy family life”, “health” and “freedom as independence in deeds and actions”. For girls, “love”, “happy family life” and “health” lead in the ranking of values. However, these particular needs and values turned out to be frustrating, as their desirability exceeds the possibility of accessibility for both boys and girls that causes internal conflicts. The opposite trend is observed in the group of values that took the last places in the rating: “active life”, “beauty of nature and art”, which are available, but not desirable spheres for representatives of both sexes. This tendency creates conditions for the emergence of an internal vacuum, emptiness, desolation. It was found that the students under study (regardless of gender) with a high level of inconsistency in the value-meaning sphere have a more pessimistic view of the future than those with a more balanced coherence between values and achievements. In general, value orientations in late adolescence still remain insufficiently formed, and this feature is somewhat more pronounced in boys than in girls. The development and implementation of psychological assistance strategies aimed at increasing the level of consistency of the chosen values with the individual’s achievements in the relevant field is a promising area for further work. Also, the search for personal determinants of the imbalance in the value-meaning sphere of young men and women requires closer study.


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