


self- identity, youth age, social identity, ethnic identity, civic identity, patriotism, psychological consequences of war.


Objective. The article is focused on the analysis of specific features and transformations of students’ national identity during the period of the full-scale invasion. Research methods. Two surveys of students of humanitarian specialties were conducted with an interval of two years (2021 and 2023). The total sample consisted of 224 respondents aged 16-23, among them 180 girls and 44 boys. For the empirical study, we used the self-determination test “Who am I?” by Kuhn and McPartland, the modified scale “Expression of ethnic identity” by Finney, the questionnaire “Civic identity” by
I.R. Petrovska. The average indicators of the formation of national identity components before and after the full-scale invasion were compared. By analyzing students’ free self-descriptions, it was determined that the category of national identity is most often represented by the nouns “Ukrainian”, “patriot”, “citizen of Ukraine”. The prevalence of responses reflecting national or ethnic identity after a full-scale invasion was found to be increasing among students. The ranking position of these answers has shifted to the top of the list, i.e. the national characteristic has become a priority over other social roles of young men. There has been a significant increase in the cognitive and affective components of ethnic identity, indicators of patriotism and civic activity of students, but the tendency to emigrate remained at the same level. Conclusions. After the beginning of the full-scale invasion, pro-Ukrainian patriotic sentiments and their behavioral implementation have significantly increased in the student environment. Ethnic, national, civil and local identities have become the subject of comprehensive reflection of young men and women, a conscious and subjectively significant part of self-concept. A characteristic feature of self-identity construction during this period is that, in addition to the image of “I am Ukrainian”, it includes the image of opposition (a common enemy). The results obtained should be taken into account in the educational process with students, as they are useful for understanding the psychological changes in Ukrainian society caused by life in the conditions of a full-scale war.


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