


future teacher, readiness to work in an inclusive educational space, personal readiness, emotional intelligence, components of emotional intelligence, empathy.


Objective. The article outlines the essence of personal readiness of future teachers to work in an inclusive educational space and ensure its quality. Emotional intelligence and empathy are defined by the components of personal readiness. The results of the study of emotional intelligence and multicommunicative empathy as components of personal readiness, in particular components of emotional intelligence, are analyzed: emotional awareness, management of one’s emotions, self-motivation, empathy and recognition of other people’s emotions, as well as the importance of its development for future pedagogical workers, in particular in the conditions of inclusive education. The importance of its development for future teachers in inclusive education is emphasized. The features of the manifestation of high, medium and low levels of partial emotional intelligence revealed in the participants under study are described. In addition, the manifestation of empathy as a scale of emotional intelligence is described in more detail on the basis of the analysis of the results of the diagnosis of the level of multicommunicative empathy according to the scales defined by the methodology: the manifestation of empathy towards parents, animals,  elderly people, children, characters of works of art and towards strangers or  unfamiliar people. The peculiarities of the manifestation of empathy according to the very high, high, medium, low and very low levels found in the respondents are described. Research methods: theoretical (analysis, systematization and generalization of research results); empirical (methods “Diagnostics of “emotional intelligence” (N. Hall) and “Diagnostics of the level of polycommunicative empathy”). The content of the methods, namely the components of the phenomenon studied, make it possible to assess the ability of future teachers to understand others, expressed in emotions, and manage the emotional sphere on the basis of decision-making. The study involved 365 students of pedagogical specialties (“Primary Education”, “Secondary Education” and “Special Education”) from 16 higher education institutions of Ukraine. Conclusions. According to the specified methods, the predominance of the average level was recorded, which, taking into account the subject of our scientific research, we consider a positive trend. Conclusions have been outlined and prospects for further scientific research have been formed.


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