


attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, family, parenting styles, adverse experience, childhood.


The article theoretically and empirically examines the peculiarities of the influence of adverse childhood experiences on parenting style. The main styles of upbringing, their content and peculiarities of manifestation are considered. The concept of psycho-traumatic experience and its influence on the process of child development, the relationship with parenting styles are revealed. An empirical study of the peculiarities of the impact of adverse childhood experiences on the parenting style of children with ADHD was conducted. 42 respondents, middle-aged people of stable social status who were raising children with ADHD, took part in the study. The Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire and the Family Education Strategy test were used to conduct the empirical research. According to the results of the analysis of the data obtained, it was found that the main negative childhood experience for the interviewees were humiliating, disdainful attitude, the feeling that children were not loved, physical harm both to the children themselves and to their close family members, the lack of family support, the use of “silent” punishment and presence of roommates with alcohol or drug addiction. It was established that 90.5% of the respondents had negative childhood experiences, and 13% of these respondents had a high level of traumatization. When analyzing qualitative indicators, a number of correlations were found for each of the styles of parenting with the factors of negative childhood experiences. Thus, the liberal parenting style has significant correlations with child neglect (frequent illnesses, hospitalization, living with adults with alcohol and drug addiction), bullying, fear of physical and emotional violence (punishment with silence). At the same time, strong correlations of authoritarian parenting style with such factors of traumatization as fear of physical violence, bullying, living with adults with alcohol and drug addiction, a sense of lack of love from parents were recorded. The prospects for further theoretical and practical research of this issue are to study the impact of negative childhood experiences on the parenting style in families of children with ADHD, to find strategies to overcome this issue in the context of parent-child interaction.


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