



defense mechanisms, psychological defense, adaptation, adaptability, adaptation potential.


The article reveals the results of an empirical study of the interrelationship between defense mechanisms and the adaptation potential as a complex integrative feature of personality. Based on a theoretical analysis of the problem under study, it is assumed that defense mechanisms contribute to the restoration of internal balance in an individual’s interactions and the external environment, performing a regulatory function within the adaptation potential. The study employed both theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis of theoretical and empirical research) and empirical methods (testing focused on diagnosing the intensity of defense mechanism and the level of components of the adaptation potential), as well as the methods of mathematical statistics (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient). It has been found that defense mechanisms are interconnected with various aspects of an individual’s adaptation potential. The correlation analysis indicates a pro-adaptive orientation of the denial mechanism (statistically significant associations with assertiveness and stress resilience), as well as intellectualization (positive correlation with conscientiousness and self-effectiveness). The maladaptive nature of reactive formation is reflected in its positive association with the neuroticism factor, as well as inverse associations with stress resilience and agreeableness. The adaptive potential of such defense mechanisms as regression and compensation has an ambivalent nature: regression, on the one hand, exhibits an inverse relationship with assertiveness and stress resilience and a direct relationship with the neuroticism factor. On the other hand, it shows positive associations with the factors of extraversion, agreeableness, and openness to experience. Compensation is directly linked with extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness, but also has an inverse association with the overall adaptability score. It is established that defense mechanisms are interconnected with various components of the adaptation potential, exhibiting both adaptive and maladaptive orientations. The results obtained can be applied for the creation of developmental and corrective programs aimed at enhancing an individual’s level of adaptability while minimizing the use of maladaptive psychological defense mechanisms.


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