


aggression, aggressiveness, aggressive behavior, forms of aggressive behavior, components of aggressive behavior and factors of aggressive behavior.


The article highlights the results of a theoretical review of research of the interrelationships and influence of different life circumstances on the manifestation of a human aggressive behavior. Many Ukrainian and foreign specialists from various fields of knowledge, such as psychologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists have been analyzing the phenomenon of aggression. Currently, there are many studies on aggressive behavior of people of different ages and genders. The factors that contribute to the emergence of aggressive behavior, such as stress, negative environmental influences, failures and disappointments, inadequate communication, environmental influences, and mental illnesses, have been studied. The relevance of the problem of aggression in the world today is determined, and the danger that can follow aggressive behavior is explained. It is noted that the consequences of aggression can be an increasing level of violence and crime, which will have a negative impact on the whole society. The factors that contribute to human’s aggressive reactions in various life situations have been identified. The importance to form internal and external factors to overcome aggression, that is, a variety of life circumstances that can encourage a person to manifest aggressive behavior in various forms and at different ages, is explained. In particular, there are a variety of works dedicated to the research of various events that provoke the emergence of aggression, such as the influence of traumatic events, unfavorable family relationships, etc. Different forms of aggression have been described and differences in tendencies towards different forms of aggression of girls and boys are explained. It is noted that boys are more prone to physical aggression, while girls are more inclined to verbal and indirect aggression. It is emphasized that the emergence of aggressive behavior is based on various factors, both internal and external. It is noted that there is a model of aggression that defines its components such as the characteristics of the environment, characteristics of the external environment, motivational-target component, cognitive, emotional and volitional components, etc. Attention is focused on the reasons that lead to the emergence of aggression at different ages. At the same time, the importance and necessity to prevent and correct aggression is justified.


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