


professional training, students, psychologists-preschoolers, practice at preschool educational institutions.


Objective. The article is aimed at the analysis of the current state of the professional training of psychologists-preschoolers. The research is based on the review of Ukrainian and foreign scientific sources. It outlines the features of the professional training of psychologists-preschoolers during the practice in preschool educational institutions. Research methods. Theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, and specification; empirical (survey by individual filling of the author’s questionnaire “My readiness to be a psychologist-preschooler” by undergraduate students of specialty 012 Preschool Education); mathematical statistics (used in calculating data of average values and percentages). Results. The survey was conducted among the 4th year students of the first level of higher education – bachelor’s degree, studying under the educational and professional program (EPP) of specialty 012 Preschool Education (specialization “Preschool and Pedagogical Psychology”). According to the data of the conducted experimental study of the professional training of psychologists-preschoolers during the practice in preschool educational institutions, the real state of the problem is determined by three components: content (theoretical or cognitive), personal and active (behavioural or practical). It has been found out that undergraduate students of specialty 012 Preschool Education have a high level of formation of the substantive and personal component of professional readiness in comparison with the active component, which had a lower level that is why a further development must be done. Conclusions. On the basis of the respondents’ answers we highlighted the types of difficulties that they had during the practice in preschool educational institutions. The above proves the need to revise the system of education and improve the training of future preschool psychologists by increasing the formation of practical actions in the course of studying professionally oriented educational components and strengthening practice under the guidance of practical psychologists. Prospects for further scientific work will be to technologize the process of professional training of future preschool psychologists in the context of forming their professional competencies to increase their professional competitiveness in the labor market.

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