


emotional burnout, stress, resistance, exhaustion, personal characteristics, professional orientation.


Objective. The article reveals the determination of psychological features of personal properties among teachers of different professional orientation with emotional burnout. Research methods: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization, interpretation of theoretical approaches and empirical research); empirical (testing); methods of mathematical statistics (to identify differences in the psychological characteristics of personal traits of teachers with emotional burnout, the Mann-Whitney U-criterion was used). Calculations were performed using SPSS v.17 software. Results. It was determined that for the general sample of teachers the most pronounced component of the emotional burnout syndrome is the reduction of personal achievements, and emotional exhaustion, on the contrary, has a rather low degree of expression. Conclusions: 1. It has been established that in the general sample of the subjects, the syndrome of emotional burnout is at the stage of formation. The resistance phase is more established compared to the stress and exhaustion phases. The dominant components of emotional burnout syndrome are symptoms of inadequate selective emotional response and reduction of professional responsibilities. It is also important to note that for the general sample of teachers, the most pronounced component of emotional burnout syndrome is the reduction of personal achievements, while emotional exhaustion, on the contrary, has a rather low degree of expression. In teachers of natural-mathematical cycle, emotional exhaustion is expressed at a high level of formation in the majority of teachers in comparison with teachers of social and humanitarian cycle. 2. Almost all variables of personality traits of the respondents have an average level of formation. But the indicators of communicative speed and psychomotor plasticity have a high level of formation in the sample of teachers of natural and mathematical cycle. Such variables as communicative speed and intellectual emotionality of a high level of formation were revealed in teachers of the social and humanitarian cycle. It is determined that high levels of formation, according to such variables of personal properties of the researched as psychomotor plasticity, communicative speed, intellectual emotionality are more sensitive to the detection of emotional burnout of teachers of different professional orientation.


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