


conflicts, communication, education, negotiations, international information, psychology.


The article reveals the formation of scientific world and national opinion regarding human psychology and the peculiarities of the origin, course and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships of conflicts in international interactions. When performing situational analyses on educational components with international students, practical methods of learning psychological skills through personality analysis are highlighted. The key competences of two important and relevant majors “International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies” and “Psychology” are combined, and their application in students’ practical classes is shown. The main task to continue replenishing the intellectual composition of the nation, to prepare young people for the future of our country with the prospect of joining the EU is highlighted. It is specified that sufficient attention was paid to the stated problem in the works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, namely, the professional training of applicants for future professional activities, students training by means of independent work, issues of personal growth, psychological features of conflict avoidance during the negotiation process, issues of peace and conflict resolution, ethnic conflicts occurring in the world, global problems and problems within a single country. It is established that world politicy moves precisely due to conflicts, the conflict behavior of an individual person or the conflict behavior of a group of people, especially if these people lead the state. From the analyzed base of sources, it was concluded that all the works are about human behavior during communications, negotiations and obtaining information, which is the basis of teaching the educational components “Conflictology and theory of negotiations”, “Introduction to the specialty and the law of a specialist”, “International information” to international applicants, since professional activity involves not only knowledge of world politics, but also understanding of human behavior and prevention of conflicts in international relations. These disciplines are mandatory in the professional training cycle.


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