


cognitive process, thinking, thinking operations, analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, classification, systematization, cognitive development, primary school age.


The article carries out a theoretical analysis of the research of foreign and domestic scientists on the development of thinking and thinking operations, and also focuses on the peculiarities of their formation in the individual. To date, there are many studies of the specified process, its types, forms and operations. But it is important to realize that social, economic, political or cultural changes in society involve changes in the formation and development of the personality, its cognitive processes, and, therefore, there is a need for their theoretical study and empirical research. The article presents an overview of modern research on the thinking process and the peculiarities of its development in younger schoolchildren. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of the development of their thinking operations, which play an important role in the intellectual activity of students. At the same time, the importance and necessity of the development of cognitive processes of modern junior high school students is substantiated. Primary school students learn to analyze information, find the main thing among different parts and properties of objects. Gradually, analysis is connected with synthesis, thus, the level of analytical and synthetic activity increases, which means gradually delving into the essence of an object or phenomenon, studying all its aspects and properties and combining them for further knowledge. Also, an important component of students’ thinking activity is abstraction, which is related to generalization and concept formation. In the process of educational activity, methods of generalization are gradually being improved and its results are changing. Through classification, students learn to search for common or essential features for a certain group. The ability to systematize and combine subjects or objects into groups will gradually develop. It is noted that the development of thinking operations contributes to the development of the intellectual activity of schoolchildren. It is also emphasized that it is necessary to develop thinking from an early age, since it is at this age that the role of thinking in the activities of younger schoolchildren increases, its varieties and main properties change.


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