


professional self-determination, prestigiousness, prestige, hierarchy of prestige, the standard for the prestige of professions, epidemic situation, quarantine, distance education, quarantine restrictions.


The article provides a theoretical and practical analysis of the problem of the link between prestige and professional self-identification of teenagers in the conditions of quarantine restrictions. Theoretical approaches to defining the concepts of professionalism, professional orientation are analyzed, and the role of prestige in the genesis of professional self-determination of high school students is outlined. In particular, in order to be able to choose a professional direction more accurately and correctly, a huge number of questions arise that help identify key factors and conditions that can influence a person’s professional orientation. Desire of the individual, social and economic situation, internal properties, features of temperament and character, life experience, drive and inclinations, prestige of the profession, material reward, status in society, helping others, solving one’s own problems – and this is not the whole list of subjective and objective factors that can guide a person to choose a future field of professional activity. It was found that in the current state of quarantine restrictions, such factors of professional activity as riskiness, safety and social distance dominate among teenagers when choosing a future profession, in relation to its prestige. The isolation and social distancing of individuals from each other in the quarantine conditions caused by COVID-19 can affect the separation of some professions from others. It has been established that this encourages teenagers to choose such directions in the future, which will be more significant and prestigious even under distance learning conditions. It is noted that in the conditions of the pandemic, distance learning technology has proved itself quite effectively, which is currently being implemented in all educational institutions of various types. Its introduction helps students not only participate in educational activities with teachers, but also enables interaction with employees of educational institutions (psychologist, social pedagogue, administration of educational institution, and others). It was established that prestige as a factor of professional self-determination in the conditions of quarantine restrictions occupies an important place in the structure of the choice of a future profession by a teenager.


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