


parent-child relationships, resilience, adolescent, adolescence, individual trajectory of upbringing, adaptation.


The article focuses on the problem of resilience formation as a predictor of effective adaptation of Ukrainian adolescents to life under martial law. Based on the application of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific sources, the content of the category of resilience, its leading features and functions are revealed. The concept of resilience is interpreted as the ability of an individual to withstand threats and recover quickly. It is emphasized that resilience as a systemic personal quality is formed due to the integrated action of internal (individual psychological) and external (social) factors. The content, structure and manifestations of parent-child relationships as a factor in the formation of resilience in adolescence are presented. The importance of parent-child relationships as a leading factor in the formation of resilience in adolescence is proved. The author’s structural and functional model of the parent-child relationship influence on the formation of adolescent resilience is presented, and the model content is analyzed. The content of value-motivational, cognitive-reflexive, emotional-regulatory and conative-behavioral components of parent-child relationships is revealed and their synergistic interaction is emphasized. The functions of parental influence on the formation of the child’s resilience are singled out and differentiated, namely: educational (information, explanation for the formation of the ideological value of resilience; facilitation) (enrichment and stimulation of the child’s resilience that the individual trajectory of upbringing in combination with significant individual psychophysiological factors of adolescent formation (temperament properties, character traits, content of self-acceptance) lead to the formation of resilience as an actual personal trait of a teenage child.


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