


parental family, behavior, siblings, marriage, complementarity, sibling position, marital relations, compatibility, adaptation, marital satisfaction.


The article discusses the peculiarities of marital relationships in young families. Foreign and domestic studies on the problem of marital relations are analyzed, in particular, the influence of sibling position on the level of marital satisfaction. The psychological meaning of the sibling position concept is revealed. Peculiarities of complementary, partially complementary and non-complementary marriages according to the sibling position are characterized. It is noted that the complementarity of marriage allows a person to integrate the positive experience of interaction with siblings in their family life. According to Spearman’s rank correlation, a statistically significant positive relationship was found between the birth order in the family with the child’s ego-state (r=0.467; p=0.002), satisfaction with the couple's relationship (r=0.899; p=0.0001). The relationship between the birth order in the family with the ego-state of the father (r=-0.784; p=0.0001), satisfaction of the relationship with sibling (r=-0.675; p=0.0001), is not statistically significant. It has been found that in complementary marriages most respondents have a close relationship with their siblings, and in non-complementary couples a relationship with a sibling is unsatisfactory. Experiencing an unsatisfactory relationship with a sibling, they subconsciously choose a partner to live with another sibling position, thus trying not to reproduce the scenario of the relationship that was in the family of their parents. The ego-state of the father is more pronounced in older children than in younger children. The younger ones often develop the ego-state of the child. Satisfaction with the relationship between the couple in relation to the partner and himself is higher in younger children. Satisfaction with sibling is higher in older children. It was stated that complementary marriages are more satisfied with their marital relations, relationships with siblings, the functions performed by partners are similar to those they performed in the family of their parents. It is noted that the development of an appropriate psycho-correctional program, taking into account the sibling position of each spouse, will help stabilize marital relations in young families.


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