


tolerance, communicative tolerance, gender identity, masculinity, androgyny, femininity.


The article considers the issue of communicative tolerance and gender differences in its manifestation in adolescence. As this age period is determined by significant changes in the social and personal development of young people, communication is the dominant element of their adaptation to such transformations. Compatibility or incompatibility of the same qualities between the partners plays a crucial role in the mechanism of formation and manifestation of communicative tolerance. However, gender qualities of personality, in particular gender identity, are not only important qualities that affect the intensity and quality of communication. The purpose of the article is to theoretically analyze and empirically study the level of communicative tolerance and gender characteristics of adolescents, as well as to identify the relationship between them. Theoretical analysis of the stated issues showed that despite the scientists’ close attention to the problem of communicative tolerance of different sexes, no work on its study in adolescence from the standpoint of gender (masculinity, femininity, androgyny) has been found. The following methods were used to conduct the research: theoretical (analysis, synthesis and generalization of the latest research sciences of this problem); empirical “Questionnaire of communicative tolerance” (author V.V. Boyko) and Sandra Bem’s questionnaire “Diagnosis of psychological sex”. Besides, the method of statistical analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis was used. Empirical data have shown that the majority of young adolescents have a desire for favorable and effective communication, understanding with opponents, they are socially active and do not avoid joint activities with others, however, due to limited abilities and skills, sometimes they are unable to organize effective communicative activities based on partnership relations, show “flexibility” in communication depending on the individual characteristics of others. We also found that most young people have masculine and androgynous personality traits. Analysis of the relationship between the gender qualities of the individual with the level of their communicative tolerance showed that masculine individuals tend to have intolerant communication tendencies more often than feminine and androgynous individuals do.


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