


subjective well-being, self-esteem, tolerance for uncertainty, coping strategies, constructiveness of coping strategies.


The article highlights the results of the study of adult subjective well-being. A theoretical analysis of approaches to the interpretation of “subjective well-being” concept and its concept components has been provided. The factors that affect the subjective well-being have been identified. It is revealed that the level of human experience of their own subjective well-being can be influenced by external (environmental, social) and internal (psychological) factors. The authors found that personal formations, including self-esteem, coping strategies and tolerance for uncertainty, play an important role in the subject’s experience of well-being. The article suggested that there is a relationship between the level of adult subjective well-being and their self-esteem, coping strategies and tolerance for uncertainty. An empirical study using psychodiagnostic techniques has shown that most respondents have an average level of subjective well-being (emotional 64.8%, existential-activity 68.8%, Ego-well-being 56.2%, hedonistic 73.5% and social-normative 78.9%). The study of the subjective well-being of adults allows us to draw conclusions about the presence of a significant part of the respondents who have a high level of it (emotional 17.5%, existential-active 16.7%, Ego-well-being 27%, hedonistic 14.4% and social-normative 13.6%). The results of the correlation research between subjective well-being and self-esteem, coping strategies and tolerance for uncertainty showed that the higher the level of their development, the more a person evaluates their existence as prosperous. It has been shown that there is no significant relationship between an adult’s subjective well-being and the performance of his/her cognitive coping strategies. The subjective well-being of adults is more related to individual emotional experiences and is reflected in a person’s actions than it is based on rational, objective understanding of the real state of affairs.


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