


self-attitude, self-acceptance, self-assessment, self-management, isolation, self-regulation, self-image, art therapy, creative self-expression.


The article reveals the essence of self-assessment and the modern view of scientists on this phenomenon. Attention is paid to the study of theoretical and methodological problems of the phenomenon of self-attitude, its psychological categories and one of the effective ways to correct self-esteem ─ the use of art-therapeutic methods. Combining different types of art therapy allows you to mobilize the creative potential of the individual and find the most effective ways of self-expression, which fully provide opportunities to express their feelings and thoughts. The aim of the study was to identify changes in self-esteem in women in the group of long-term art therapy. Empirical methods were used for the study, such as “Methodology of self-relation research” by SR Panteleev and Test of twenty statements “Who am I? ” M. Kuhn, T. McPartland in modification, as well as a post-research interview aimed at identifying the features of self-assessment. The results were processed using Student’s T-test. The article stipulates that in group art therapy, due to the presence of a group member in an atmosphere of acceptance and invaluability, the form of attitude to oneself may change. Support and acceptance of the participant increases his self-acceptance and reduces self-blame, which will positively affect the overall level of self-esteem. Conclusions. It was found that long-term attendance in art groups reduces the overall negative background of self-esteem, assessment of opportunities and qualities of personality becomes more adequate, high level of self-interest and value of their personality is maintained, participants are mostly focused on their feelings, experiences and uniqueness. An effective solution to the problem of self-esteem in women, especially now that Ukraine is at war, when many women find themselves in a situation that negatively affects their self-esteem, and subsequently in relationships with others, will change the dynamics of self-esteem on a positive background -therapy. Based on research data, it is possible to create programs to find personal resources in any frustrating situation.


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