


interaction, adolescence, activity, subject, intersubjectivity, personality.


The article considers different aspects of intersubjective interaction as collective activity that is oriented on subjective qualities of participants, the sensitive period for which is adolescence. It is shown that such elements as openness, trustfulness, intimate-personal communication emerge between young people. Adolescence is the period when a person usually experiences such special feelings as first love and friendship. On the other hand, in adolescence communication with older and younger individuals gains its own particularities and realities too. It is argued that intersubjective interaction in adolescence is communication and joint activity. It is noted that adolescence is sensitive for the formation of intersubjective interaction because various aspects of this age period prepare a person for an interaction that would be mutually developing and facilitate the development of participants’ subjectivity. It is underlined that a social situation of development in adolescence assumes intersubjective interaction as a component of critical importance, which provides specific senses and meanings for various aspects of young peoples’ everyday life. The affective core of adolescence, namely experiencing the future, comes into question and becomes central in intersubjective interaction. Existential and meaning-seeking issues often make a substantial contribution to both content and structure of intersubjective interaction in adolescence. Adolescence is analyzed as a special period of rapid formation of a person’s subjectivity when a young man or woman engages with their peer partners as a responsible, active, creative, initiative personality. The aim of such engagement is both to reveal one’s own subjectivity and help to disclose the partners’ subjectivity. It is important, however, that position “I want to be the subject and help you reveal your subjectivity” influences dialogic cooperation and mutually developing communication. The conclusion is drawn that adolescence is the special period when intersubjective interaction acquires specific traits and develops for the sake of subjectivity formation of all participants within processes of joint activity and communication.


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