


military-professional activity, professional adaptation, psycho physiological factors, model, becoming an officer.


The article is devoted to forecasting the process of adaptation, functionality assessment, the degree of psychophysiological readiness of the organism, all that will provide training and combat activities. The most dynamic influence of adaptogenic factors is observed at the initial stage of military service, in new conditions, requiring the ability to quickly adapt to the specifics of military-professional activities. Scientific and theoretical material on the issues of professional adaptation of junior officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is analyzed, which would consider the characteristics of the adaptive psychophysical capabilities of the body of servicemen. It is concluded that despite the steady interest in the professional adaptation problem of the military sphere, there are still many issues related to the phenomenology, structure and mechanisms that provide an opportunity to achieve balance in “military man – military-professional activities” system in the ever-changing conditions. This process is complicated by the fact that adaptation and adaptation processes in the military sphere involve the study of all dimensions of this complex phenomenon, which on the one hand is procedural, because it leads to the formation of new mental qualities, internal changes, external active adaptation, self-change existence (A.O. Rean, A.R. Kudashev, O.A. Baranov), taking into account the action of a complex of various factors; on the other hand, it is effective because it makes it possible to state the level and degree of adaptability of the soldier at a certain point in time. In any case, the professional adaptation of a serviceman, in particular, the officer takes place in a professional environment and determines the strategy of his professional development and success in it.
Undoubtedly, such issues like the development and mobilization of the body's defenses against negative factors, compensation for disorders as a result of the pathological process of communication and regulation, and finally, forecasting the characteristics of military work and life cannot be solved without knowledge of psychophysiological nature and mechanisms of adaptation. It is suggested that the formation and implementation of the model of junior officer professional adaptation should contribute to the achievement of strategic goals of the Ukrainian army in peacetime and wartime.


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